
the club

  • We believe there is nothing more powerful than authentic relationships to build trust and engagement. We set the best environment and intimate events so you can focus on making meaningful connections with our members.

  • Meaningful interactions are worth a thousand words when It comes to communication. Many talents might know about your brand but do they ever had a chance to get a glimpse of what makes It so unique ? Increase the impact of your employer branding among members of the club and their respective networks.

  • Our members are regularly looking for their next opportunities. We love making the right connections with the talents that we believe could be a great fit for your company.

  • Have you ever adressed young talents outside of their schools walls ? We value curiosity and proactivity from our members who come from over 40 different hospitality schools across Europe. Connect in a complete new way with our talents through dedicated events we organise that they choose to attend.

How can I become a partner ?

If you are interested in getting to know more about the club and connect with our members we would be happy to discuss with you. You can book a call with or send an email to our founder Mathilde Baroin who will share with you our partnerships opportunities.

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Our members say it best